Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 Year Check-up

Karsyn had her 3 year check-up in Amarillo on November 16th.  I cannot believe how much she has grown this last year!  She is definitely becoming a big girl fast!!!  Here are her stats from the appointment:

Height:  38 1/4 inches - 79th percentile! 

Weight:  31 pounds - 55th percentile!

This is the first time since she was born that she is in the average or above average range!!  She has always been around the 25th percentile in both of these areas!!  She gained 8 pounds and grew 4 inches this past year!  Amazing!

Here are some other stats:

Clothing:  She mostly wears size 3T now.  Some of the pants are too big in the waist, but we have to buy this size for her long legs!  3T jeans are almost too short, but there is no way she could wear a 4T in the waist!

Potty Time:  She is such a big girl now!  She hasn't even had to wear pull-ups since last December!  She has only had 3 accidents at night this whole year!  She is starting to use the potty all by herself.... wiping and everything!  The other night, I heard the toilet lid shut so I ran in there, and she had gone potty, wiped, and flushed the toilet all without even telling me she needed to!  In some ways, this makes me sad....she is becoming too independent!!!  LOL

Cognitive Abilities:  There really aree too many things she can do to name.  She amazes me at how well she can communicate!  She knows her shapes, colors, letters, and numbers.  Her memory is crazy good!  Her favorite song right now is "Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw.  She calls it "The Johnny Song".  She knows every single word to it and can sing it without the music.  She wants Daddy to sing it to her before bed almost every night, and she loves to listen to it on his computer!  She loves books!  We read to her everynight and after we are done, she likes to take the book and read it to us!!  Of course, she can't read yet, but she remembers the words and pretends to read it.

Toys:  She loves her LeapPad 2, Mommy's Kindle, tools, cooking, dressing up like a princess.....pretty much anything and everything!!!  She even loves to clean-up her toys!  As I am typing, she is putting all her tools back in the toolbox, and I didn't even have to ask her to!!!  Oh, and I cannot forget Mr. Bear!  This is by far the most important toy of all!  She has actually broken the ribbon around his neck several times, and Nanny had to get him a new ribbon not too long ago.  She doesn't like the new ribbon as much and actually asked for the other one back.  Since we switched ribbons, she doesn't rub it on her nose anymore....I guess it's just not the same with the new one.  We have started talking to her about leaving Mr. Bear in her bed and not taking him everywhere with her, and her eyes just fill up with tears, so I think we will tackle that later!!! 

Naps:  Oh, I am going to miss these!!  This is my time to either get certain stuff done around the house, or just relaxing.  However, I thinks she is starting to outgrow her naps.  There are days when she takes one and there are days where she just isn't tired and will stay awake.  She will still tell us when she is super tired, and ask if she can go to sleep. 

Bedtime:  Well, since Mommy stays home now, we have gotten pretty lenient on what time she goes to bed.  We usually have her in bed by 9:30 at the latest.  We have had some issues with her sleeping patterns this last year.  She got into the habit of not staying in bed at bedtime, and we would fight her for 2 hours and sometimes even longer to go to sleep.  We did finally get her to quit doing that, and now she goes to bed pretty easily again.  There are nights when she takes too long of a nap that she will have a hard time going to sleep.  Some nights, she will test us and get out of bed a couple times, but she knows that she will get in trouble if she does, so usually, she just lays in bed and plays until she falls asleep.  Overall, I cannot complain about her sleeping habits cause she is a Gurley and she loves to sleep!!!  LOL!!

We are amazed each and every day at how much our little baby isn't a baby anymore and how much she is growing!  She is our little princess and we couldn't be more proud of her!!  We love you more and more each day, sweet pea!!!!

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