Sunday, April 10, 2011

Down in the Dumps time flies!!!  I could have sworn that I just updated this blog a few days ago, and it has been over a month, almost 2!!  We have been crazy busy, and a little down in the dumps in this house the last couple of months.  Poor Karsyn has suffered the most with a stubborn ear infection that refuses to go away.  She has had it for 6 weeks now, and 3 different antibiotics.  We first tried Amoxicillan, to which we quickly found out she is allergic to.  So, they switched to another general antibiotic.  I thought she was recovered and doing quite well when we went in to get her ears checked just to make sure she was better.  The doctor quickly told me she was no where near all better, in fact, her ears and throat both were still bright red.  So, we did another round of the general antibotic....went back in 1 week later for another check-up, and still bright red little ears.  UGH!!  As a mom, I felt horrible.  First, that I thought she was fine cause she wasn't pulling at her ears or running a fever, and she was playing, eating, and sleeping like normal.  I have said to many people that sometimes she is too good of a baby.  We never know something is wrong until she is running a high fever or is puking.  And second, that my poor little girl is feeling so rough and I can't do anything to help her.  So, the doctor called to set up an appointment for an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, but the wait is 5-6 months.  Apparently, they are short-staffed, and have quite the need for more doctors.  It seems unbelievable to me that in this big city, there aren't more specialists.  So, since we have to wait so long, we put her on yet another medicine.  I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but it is one that specialists put them on before they put tubes in.  At least this way, we can say that we have already tried it, and hopefully, save time!!  She just finished up her last dose yesterday, and is still pulling and trying to cram her fingers into her ears.  We go back Wednesday for another check-up, and I will bet that they are still red.  Poor little thing.....I just don't know how we are going to be able to wait until August.  I'm thinking about trying to see if I can get her in somewhere in Tulsa sooner since we have family there that we can stay with.  I would rather travel 4 hours than to see her suffer for 5 months.  We will see what the doctor says Wednesday, and I will let you all know.

On a better note, Karsyn turned 17 months old on the 7th!!  She is getting so big and so smart!!  It is amazing to me the things that she already knows and the speed at which she is learning.  It sometimes feels as though she learns things overnight.  I can't even begin to name all the things she can do, and the things that she is saying. 

I promise I will do better at keeping this blog up-to-date.  I just thought I would give a quick update today, and I will start doing the day-to-day activities more frequently!!  It has been rough working the night-shift and raising a baby (and a husband!  LOL), but it was my choice, and I have been dealing with it the best I know how.  That is probably THE main reason I haven't been so dilligent about this blog as I should be.  So, I am making a promise to myself, you all, and most of all, Karsyn (since this is really her baby book) to do a better job from now on!!  I don't have any real recent pics to share this time, but I will post some in a few days!!  I hope you all haven't given up on me and will keep checking in for more updates!! 

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