Sunday, December 11, 2011

2 Years (a month and a few days late)

Karsyn turned 2 years old on November 7th, and Mommy has been wanting to get this post done since then, and finally found enough time to sit down and let you all know how she is doing!! If you want to see how much she has changed in the last year, visit here to see her stats and pictures from her 1st birthday!
We took her to the doctor on November 11th for her yearly check-up and of course, the report was a good one!!! 

Here are her stats:
  • Weight - 23 pounds (22nd percentile)
  • Height - 34 1/4 inches (57th percentile)
  • Head circumference - 18 1/2 inches (45th percentile)
Overall, Karsyn is a very healthy little girl!!



  • She is in between sizes at the moment.  She could still wear 18 month clothes if they weren't too short.  The 2T clothes are too big around the waist, so we are on the hunt for some adjustable waist pants for Christmas!!

  • Absolutely NONE!!!  Yay!!  We started potty training around October 1st and never looked back!!  She is doing so good with it!  Do we have accidents every once in a while??  Sure.  She wears big girl panties all day, every day and only wears pull-ups at night.  She stays dry during naps, and most nights.  In the last month, she has only had 2 accidents during the night!!  We are so proud of our BIG girl!!

Cognitive abilities:
  • She is talking in full sentences now, and non-stop!!  She can tell you what hurts, when she is happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, what she wants to eat/drink, and on, and on, and on!!! 
  • She LOVES to sing!!  She makes up songs to everyday words!  She can sing all the words to her ABC's, Twinkle Star, Mickey Mouse clubhouse, Jesus Loves Me, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Jingle Bells.  I have a funny story about Jesus Loves Me!  We were at church when Zoe got baptized, and all the kids were in the sactuary.  Once she was baptized, the congretation started singing Jesus Loves Me.  Karsyn was so excited that she could sing along and sang all the words to it!  Once it was over, everybody got quiet, and the pastor was saying a prayer, and Karsyn decided she wanted everybody to start singing Twinkle Star, so she started yelling, Twinkle Star, Twinkle Star!!!  Everybody around us was laughing!  She just didn't understand why we couldn't sing Twinkle Star!!!
  • She can count to 20 without any help and even adds objects.  If there are blocks around her, she will say, "Count".  She will point to each one and count them as long as there aren't more than 20!!  If she gets to 20, she starts over at 1!  But, she can tell you there are 2 blocks there, etc.
  • She knows her colors, and once she gets started telling you what color things are, she starts asking, "What color is that?" and wants you to play along!  She is putting colors in front of objects now, saying that mommy is wearing a white shirt, etc. 
  • She knows most of her shapes.  She knows circle, square, triangle, star, diamond, moon, smiley face, and sad face.
  • She loves the moon!!  Everytime we are in the car and it's dark outside, she will say, "Mommy dark." and start looking for the moon until she finds it!  If we turn a corner and she can't see it anymore, she will tell it night-night!!  LOL 

  • Her favorite toys are the ones that she can pretend with.  She loves her blocks Uncle Jayson got her, and loves to build "Karsyn's castle" with them.  She loves reading books and climbs up in our laps no matter what we are doing and makes us read her a book!  Her favorites are Itsy Bitsy Spider and her little Bible!  She will come up to us and say, "Read Bible please!"   

  • Karsyn LOVES to sleep!!  We got very lucky in this area with her!!  She takes a bath, eats her viatmin, brushes her teeth and daddy gives her a ride on his back to her bedroom!  She crawls up in bed with all her animals, which she now sleeps with Papa bear, Momma Minnie Mouse, Baby Minnie Mouse, Fuzzy, Bunny, Puppy Dog, Glow worm, Mr. Bear, her heart-shaped pillow, butterfly pillow, and Goofy!!  We finally had to tell her no more animals in bed!!  Every night, she was wanting to add to her herd!!!  After we tuck them all in and tell them all night-night, we say her prayers, tuck her in (which usually calls for 2 hugs and 2 kisses for mommy and daddy both!), and she tells us to turn off the light!  She goes to sleep within 10 minutes of us leaving the room!  We are seriously thankful for such an easy bedtime routine! 

We are so proud of our beautiful baby BIG girl!!  She makes us laugh every day and brings such joy to our hearts!  We find ourselves thanking God everyday for allowing us to be her parents!  We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!!

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