Karsyn turned 15 months on February 7th, and has grown so much these last 3 months!! She has become so independent that it makes me so proud and sad all at the same time!!
She has decided that she no longer needs a lot of help feeding herself! So, I gave her the spoon and let her feed herself yogurt for the first time! It was a success and an absolute mess, but she was so happy!!
Karsyn had her 15 month check-up at the doctor on the 8th, and poor little thing had to have 2 shots this time! I have to say, she did pretty good, and only cried for about 2 minutes. I think she was more mad that we held her down than it actually hurt. Thank goodness, these are the last shots until she turns 2!!
Here are some of her stats:
Height: 30 inches - 35th percentile
Weight: 20 pounds, 6 1/2 ounces - 15th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 inches - 20th percentile
Let me just say for the record, that I don't care what percentile she is in as long as she is healthy and is continuing to grow! She is small for her age, but she eats all the time and she is constantly moving. Seriously, the child never sits down unless it's to eat, and even then, she is still moving her legs. She is also mentally developing right on schedule.
Here she is after her doctor's appointment on the way to her first day of daycare!! She was completely over the shots by the time we left!
Other stats:
Diapers: Size 4
Clothes: Size 12 months
Shoes: Size 4
Teeth: All 4 molars came in in December, so now she has 12 total and is already cutting her canines! She has a little mouth-full of teeth, which is wonderful for eating, and terrible for biting!! She started biting around 1 year, and we broke her of it for the most-part. But, when she decides she wants to bite, it sure does hurt.
Food: Better question is, what DOESN'T she eat?!?! She eats everything now. We are very thankful she doesn't have any allergies that we know of as of yet! She loves peanut butter, and I share a peanut butter and jelly sandwich almost everyday with her! She takes a bite, and says "yummmm"!! Her other favorite foods are pizza, hot dogs, and of course her vegetables!! She still prefers vegetables over almost everything. I can't believe she is my child in this department, cause I'm not a vegetable eater!! Her favorite dessert is to share marshmallows with Grandma!! She absolutely LOVES marshmallows!!! She just walks around the kitchen eating it, and just smiles!! (Remember, she moves all the time, even when she eats!!)
Drinks: She loves her milk, and drinks at least 3 sippy cups a day. She also likes water and juice, but definitely prefers her milk!!
Spitting Up: I am very happy to report that she no longer spits-up AT ALL!!!! We were so scared to actually talk about it for a while, but she quit spitting-up around the first week of December when she was 13 months old!! We are so excited, and I know she has to be too!!!
Talking: I can't sit here and name all the words she knows, but she surprises us all the time with something new!! We are trying to teach her "please" and "thank you". "Please" comes out as "eeeeeeeee" and every once in a while, she says something that sounds like "thank you", but not sure she is associating it with anything!! She knows where her eyes, nose, and tummy are. She will also point to our eyes and say really loud, "EYYYYE"!! It is so cute!! She can also say "baby". She can also say "night, night". She has a little "night, night bear" that we started letting her sleep with. She was waking up in the middle of the night screaming quite a bit, so I thought maybe she was waking up and getting scared. Since we gave her the bear, she has only woke up once screaming. Sometimes, I can hear her wake up in the middle of the night, and instead of screaming, she will be talking to her bear!!! We make her keep the bear in her crib because I don't want her to drag him everywhere with her, and then lose it, and us not be able to find it. So, every morning, I go get her out of bed, and she grabs her bear and doesn't want to let go. So, I tell her to give him kisses and tell him bye-bye, and she will! Once she tells him bye bye, she is ok to put him back in her crib until naptime!!
What she understands: Oh my, she surprises me with what she actually understands we are saying to her. We can ask her if she is hungry, and she will RUN to the kitchen and go straight for the fridge! She knows that's where her milk is and where the food is kept. We can ask her if she is ready for a bath, and off she goes to the bathroom! She still loves taking baths! Daddy has taught her how to splash and get water everywhere! She just giggles and has a blast splashing and playing with her toys! She also runs to her bedroom when I tell her it's time to change her diaper! She knows what most of her toys are, and will run get them if you ask her to. She has also started helping me pick up her toys at the end of the night. Of course, I have to make it a game, but she will pick up every single toy and block and put them in the basket where they go!!
Her personality: I am absolutely amazed at how much her personality is starting to show! She is such the funny girl and has an awesome sense of humor!! Here is a pic of her being silly and wearing her clothes on her head! She will go pick up dirty clothes out of the basket in her room and comes out with them on her head. I try to tell her those are yucky and not to touch them, but she doesn't care!! It's fun to her! I think we are going to have to get an actual hamper with a lid to keep her out of them!!
Toys: Anything and everything that she can get her little hands on!! It doesn't matter if it's a toy or not. As a matter of fact, we gave her an old computer keyboard that she loves to pretend to type on!! We were all in the computer room one night, and on our computers, when she decided she wanted to join in. So, we found her an old one, and she carries it around with her all over the place and sets down at it and types away!! As far as actual toys go, I think her favorite one is her baby and a blanket to wrap it in, and she also loves to play with her little art easel that Uncle Geoff and Aunt Jo got her for Christmas. Here lately, her way of playing with it is to turn it upside down and crawl on top of it!! She also loves to stack blocks and sort things out. She will sit there, and look at everything in front of her and sort them out as to which pile she wants them in.
I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things that she does because she can do so much these days, it absolutely amazes me. I never thought in such a small amount of time, she would become so independent and be able to do all these things that I can't imagine my little baby doing so fast!! This is definitely the best stage she has been in so far!! She is so much fun, and we can't wait to wake up each morning and see what she will surprise us with that day!!