Tuesday, October 26, 2010

1st Annual Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumkin Patch for the first time this past week!!  We had to go during the week, so they didn't have the hayride available, but that's ok....we will know next year to go on the weekend!!  Here are a few pics from our 1st Annual Pumpkin Patch!!!

This might be the one!! 

The three of us with our pumpkin

Our pumpkin is almost as big as I am!!

Grandpa and I with their pumpkin

 Helping Daddy wash our pumpkin

Look......my flower fits in with the rest of these!!

Of course, I had to have my very own tiny pumpkin!!

Just me

I don't know about this itchy stuff they call hay!!

Daddy found me a wagon that he pulled me around in!!  Man, that thing was fun!!

Daddy and me being silly!!

On the way home, I entertained Grandma with spit bubbles....

......and kisses too!!

I had a blast choosing my very own pumpkin!!  I can't wait until next year to do it all over again!!!

Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa are having a pumpkin carving contest, and I get to judge!!!!  We will put those pictures up soon, so come back and check them out!!! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Step by Step

I cannot believe that yet another month has passed so quickly.  I have noticed since I am a stay-at-home mom, I have not been keeping up with taking pictures like I should.  It is easy to get into the habit of just being in the moment, and not having a camera close-by, where before, I wanted to capture every minute and milestone I could on camera since I wasn't with her 24 hours a day.  So, there are a lot of great things about being home and a lot of things that suffer because of it.  I am so grateful I am able to stay with her right now.  I know I will never get these moments back, and I am loving every minute of being with her.  So, this post will be short and sweet, with not as many pictures as I usually post. 

This past month has come with a lot of "firsts"!!  Here is what Karsyn has been up to lately:

  • She took her first "official" step today, October 11, 2010.  Why is it official???  It's official because it was the first time I got to see her do it!!  Grandma, Grandpa, and Daddy say she has done it before, but for my sake....today was the first time!!  And, she not only took 1 step, she took 2 1/2!!  LOL....It won't be long before she is running all over the place!! 
  • She got a taste of her first oreo, animal cracker, cheese, yogurt, lunch meat, vienna sausage, and lots of other table foods this month. 
  • She got to ride her first carousel and attend her first Octoberfest, where she got a taste of her first funnel cake!! 
  • She got her first "big girl" carseat this past month. 
  • Karsyn got to ride on the tractor with Grandpa for the first time. 
  • We broke Karsyn from the bottle on October 2, 2010.  She wasn't that interested in it anymore, and wouldn't latch onto it, so I took it away!  The first day wasn't so great.....I thought it was going to be like taking her pacifier away all over again, but once she realized that I wasn't going to give in, and she got thirsty, she took the sippy cup and drank the whole thing.  It really took about 3 days for her to get used to it, but now, she drinks her formula from her sippy cup like she never even had a bottle!!  I am so happy I don't have to clean bottles anymore!!!  This was one milestone I have been patiently waiting for!!! 
  • Karsyn has a few words in her vocabulary now.  She can say momma and dada and associates us with those words now!!  She can also say "ight"  for Light!!  Since I taught her what a light is, she is obsessed with them, and looks for them in every room she enters.  She also says "ow" for ouch.  I don't think she associates it yet, but she can definitely say it!!  She understands a lot of words she can't say yet.  For example:  she now lets you know when she's hungry, and if you ask her if she is, she will scream at you until you feed her!! 
  • She has started climbing already....this is making me a nervous wreck.  She can climb stairs and people.  She also tries to climb DOWN them....this isn't working too well yet.  I have started teaching her to turn around to climb down off of me.  Of course, the stairs are off limits unless we are there to assist her. 
  • She can stand on her own now.  She has stood up from a sitting position without any assistance a couple of times, but usually, she holds onto something to stand up, but she can let go and stand there for a long time now. 
  • She is in size 4 diapers, size 12-18 month clothes, and size 3 shoes.  She is growing so fast now.  Thank goodness we hit a neighborhood garage sale a few weeks ago and got her all her fall and winter clothes cause she has completely grown out of almost everything she was wearing when we moved. 
  • She still sleeps about 12 hours a night, and takes 1 nap at noon for about 2 to 3 hours.  She definitely needs her sleep!!
  • She cut her 7th and 8th tooth this past month, and is starting on some more already.  I'm not sure if it's just 1 or 2, but she has been drooling and chewing on everything the last couple of days.
  • She associates the phone ringing with somebody on the other end, and gets so excited to talk to whoever it is, whether you want her to or not!!  She also associates the doorbell with somebody coming in.  If you even get close to the door, she is screaming with excitement to open it. 
That about sums up what is going on in Karsyn's life these days, so here are a few pictures from this past month that we would like to share!!! 

Rubber Ducky, You're the One.....

Getting all my toys out at once

Is that all of them??

Just makin' sure!!

If I yell in this, my voice is louder!

Just checkin' you out!

Look at us go!!

Don't worry Grandpa, I got this!!

Next time, I'll let you steer.

Momma took me for a stroll on my 11th month birthday!


The icing off the Animal Cracker is the best!


Daddy trying on my new tutu!!

He's so silly!!

Grandpa got me these neat lights at Octoberfest!

I can see everything from up here!

I love it up here!

 Fixing to go to the carnival.

Love my Pink Converse shoes Uncle Geoff and Aunt Jo got me!!

Just practicing my modeling skills!

Momma and me!

Why do we have to take so many dang pictures??

On the Carousel....

I was having so much fun, Daddy had to give it a try!

Holding onto my Handlebars....aka Daddy's ears

Just chillin' with my pops!!