Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Movin' On Up

This past month has gone by so fast, and a lot has changed in our world.  The last weekend of August, we "Moved On Up North" to the Kansas City area.  We were very excited to move up here, but it came with the sadness to take Karsyn out of her daycare there in Muskogee.  What once felt like a place I couldn't trust to help raise my daughter, became one of the best places I could have asked for.  Her two workers, Leslie and Debbie, were the best women in the world, and we both loved them more than they will ever know!!  We will miss them greatly. 

Karsyn and Miss Leslie

Karsyn and Miss Debbie (I am so angry we didn't get a better pic of the 2 of them)

My parents came and helped us move out of our house in Muskogee.  We were so thankful for their help, and couldn't have done it without them.  Here are the 3 of us in front of Karsyn's first house before we left.....Kansas City Bound!!!!

Once we got up here, Uncle Cody came for a visit.  Karsyn hadn't seen him since Memorial Day, so she didn't remember him at first and it took a little while to warm up to him, but once she did, she sure did love him!!

I recently read an article in a magazine that said less than 5% of babies still spit-up once they reach 10 months, which gave me some hope.  Well, Karsyn turned 10 months on the 7th, and here we are on the 14th, and yep.....she STILL spits-up.  However, I think they said that because it's now at a stage where I don't even consider it spit-up....now that she's eating more foods, it's vomit.  And believe me, I know.....it's been in my mouth....YUCK!!!

Speaking of food, we have started giving Karsyn more options of table food since she hit 10 months and has 6 teeth.....

She has had and really likes mashed potatoes, bits of hamburger and chicken, jello, teething biscuits and cookies.  With these things, she still has her formula (with rice cereal for the thickness) and her baby foods.  We also gave her grape juice for the first time, and I think she loves it even more than the apple juice.  I alternate water and juice with her snacks and table food, and she likes all of them.  When she is thirsty, you can't pry the sippy cup out of her hand now!!! 

I think the addition of these foods have helped her gain some weight!!  LOL!!  She has gained a pound in the last month.  She now weighs 19 pounds, 8 ounces, and is still in size 3 diapers and wearing 9 month clothing for the most part, but is sneaking into the 12 month stuff pretty quickly.  She can't fit into any 9 month sleepers, so we moved her on up to 12 month, but she has a lot of room to grow in them.  I have found only 1 thing that she really doesn't like and spits back out.....malt-o-meal.  I don't blame her for this.  I tasted it, and it was horrible without sugar!!!   

Karsyn has changed so much this past month, and it just amazes me how fast she is learning new things.  She dances to music, especially while watching Sesame Street.  She was really fussy one day, so we decided to turn the TV on and see if we could get her to calm down.  We found Sesame Street, and she was in awe of it.  She just sits on the floor and watches, dances, and laughs with them.  It's really funny!!

One thing that she has learned to do that is hilarious is she shakes her head "no", and then gets dizzy from doing it so much!!  I think she learned this because that seems like the only word I say to her most of the time.....she is getting into EVERYTHING, and is smart enough to know where that stuff is, so when you aren't looking, she goes back to it.  Sometimes, I can just say, "Karsyn, no, no" and she will shake her head and hit her own hand and crawl away....it's so funny to watch.  She has started to put objects together.  She loves to play with her plastic bowls, and she will put them inside each other, and then take them all out again.  She also likes to put the feet and/or hands together on her pink elephant with the rubber feet.  She will not put them in her mouth anymore without them being together, like one just isn't enough.  One day, her and I were walking into the kitchen, and she just started staring at the light and pointing.  So, I thought.. hmmmm... maybe I should teach her what that is.  So, I told her it was a light, and kept saying it over and over.  Now, you can ask her where the light is, and she will look up and find a light fixture and point.  She is so smart!!!  She loves to pull up to tables and hit them, and her favorite things are these boxes we put up as a make-shift baby gate.  She takes toys over to them, stands up, and bangs the toys on them.  She will stand there for a long time playing, and is just as content as can be.

The one thing she has learned that I could do without is biting.  Since she seems to be teething all the time these days, she has decided that it's ok to bite me.  The first time she did it, I had no idea what she was about to do, and she bit into my arm and would not let go.  It left teeth marks and a bruise, but thankfully, didn't bring blood.  Now, I know the signs when she is fixing to go in for a great big bite, and tell her no......which usually leads to crying on her part. She HATES to be told "no", and most of the time will scream and cry until she gets her mind on something else.  There is a lot of crying in the house at the moment!!
As far as her favorite toys go, she still loves her pink elephant and seahorse rattle the most.  She is very interested in her walker, but is still just a little too clumsy to actually walk behind it.  She loves to try to play with remotes, phones, computers (I have had to tell her no about 100 times just typing this out), cords, and shoes.

Her sleeping patterns haven't changed that much in the last month.  She wakes up around 8 or 8:30 in the morning since I'm home with her for now.  Therefore, she skips her morning nap.  Around noon, she takes a nap for 2-3 hours (this is when I get most of my stuff done).  Every once in a while, she will take an evening nap around 5:30 for about an hour.  This is only if she wakes up early from her noon nap.  She then goes to bed in between 8 and 8:30, and still sleeps through the night!!!  I was afraid once she started pulling up in her crib, she wouldn't sleep as well, but this princess still needs her beauty sleep!!! 

Grandma and Karsyn recently spent some time outside in the grass.  At first, Karsyn didn't like the grass at all.  She would pull her legs up as far as she could trying to get out of it.  Grandma sat there for a while with her, and they played with blades of grass.............

She's curling up her toes so they won't touch the grass....

Karsyn finally got used to it and put her feet in the grass and played with Grandma!!!

Here are some random pictures that I thought you would enjoy!!  See you next month when Karsyn turns 11 months old!!!


Don't really know what's she's doing, but it's still cute!!

Trying to open the cabinet door

It's a good thing we baby-proofed!!!

She's finally starting to get some hair (in the back)  LOL!!

Just hanging out!!

Grandpa calls this her "Peter Boyle" hair!!  I love how it hangs out over her ears!!  LOL

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