This blogging thing is new to us, but we thought it would be a great way to keep in touch with family and friends that don't get to see Karsyn grow up on a daily basis. We are sad that we don't have very much family around us, but are excited that we are able to use this type of forum to keep everybody updated!! So, bare with us as we figure this out...... So, here we go.....
Karsyn is now 3 months old, and growing more and more everyday!! As of last night, she is now 10 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces. She is eating 4 ounces of formula with one scoop of cereal every 3-4 hours. We FINALLY got her on a bedtime routine, and she is asleep every night by 11:00 and sleeps until at least 6:00 every morning!! Of course, she still has bad nights, but for the most-part, she is sleeping through the night!!! YAY!!! She is in 0-3 month clothing, and is really starting to fill out all her outfits!! She is doing MUCH better with the spitting-up!! We have it under control to where we would consider it to be "normal"!! That is so exciting to us since we aren't going through 15 burp cloths a day and about 5 or 6 changes of clothes (only because we got smart, and starting using bibs too)!!
She is smiling so much now, and we got her giggling the other night!! Mark and her have a routine every morning when he feeds her. He has a picture of me and Karsyn as his background on his computer. When he sets her up to burp her, he tells her, "Say hi to Momma!!" No matter how fussy she is (cause she doesn't want to burp...she just wants to keep eating) she just stops and starts smiling!!! It just starts our day off GREAT!! I am hoping to get a video of this soon, so we can treasure it for years to come!! The days of her just lying there and not doing a whole lot are completely OVER!! I call her McSquirmy because when she is better be holding on to her!! She loves to stand up these days, and during diaper changes, loves to "talk" to us!! She is still not fond of "tummy time", but we are continuing to do it, and she is lifting herself up a lot more. She is trying to roll over, but hasn't quite done it yet. We gave her a bath last night, and for the first time, she started kicking and splashing and realized that it can be fun!!
Becoming parents has been the best thing that has happened to us, and we hope that you continue to visit our site regularly for any future updates!!