Before we get to her stats, I am going to share some pictures from Mother's Day weekend of her with her Great Grandparents. I was working all weekend, so my parents took her to the lake to see them, and they had the best time with her! I know I have said it before, but I am so grateful that she gets the opportunity to grow up with them in her life. They played a HUGE role in my childhood, and I love that they are able to spend time with my baby girl as she grows up!!
I just love this picture!! It cracks me up!
I love how after almost 71 years of marriage they still put their arms around each other and laugh together!
Karsyn's 18 month stats:
Height: 31 3/4 inches - 30th percentile
Weight: 22 pounds, 3 ounces - 25th percentile
Head Circumference: 18 1/4 inches - 30th percentile
She is growing right on track, and is healthy as ever!! We couldn't be happier!
Diapers: Size 4
Clothes: 12 to 18 months
Shoes: Size 5
Teeth: She has 16 of them, which is all except her 2 year molars.
Food: The doctor has told me since her 12 month appointment that she will become very picky with her food. She told me this again at this appointment....I think she's wrong!! This child will eat anything! She still absolutely loves her fruits and veggies, and prefers them over most anything. She is starting to really understand the importance of chocolate and ice cream! LOL! You know when she really likes something cause she will keep saying "bite" until you tell her it's all gone!!
Drinks: Still mainly gets milk, juice, and water. We do, occasionally, give her a sip of pop just to see the look on her face! It's so funny when that carbonated water hits her mouth!!
Spitting Up: Yep, I'm still considering this a stat cause she has spit-up a few times this past couple of months. UGH!! I really do think that it's from over-eating, though, so we have really started watching how much she is eating and see if that helps. She loves food so much, that even when she's full, she will still ask for a bites of the stuff she really likes. Hopefully, we can get this to stop by monitoring her food intake more closely.
Talking: She talks more and more each day. She is already stringing words together. The most common sentence she uses is "I do it". She likes to help with everything, so if we start doing something for her, she will say "I do it" even if she knows she can't. One example is when we are putting her shoes on. She will say "I do it" and give it her best shot, but they don't quite make it onto her feet!! She also says please, which is "peas" and thank you, which is "tank ewe". We are working on yes ma'am, but that's not coming out of her mouth yet! Imagine that!! We just got her a swing so we don't have to go to the park since we live out in the country, and everytime she sees it, she says "weeeen". She loves the thrill of swinging and the higher, the better! This is just a VERY small portion of what she is saying. There is no way possible I can list all the words or phrases that she can say.
Body parts: She can point to and say (in her own little baby way) eye, nose, mouth, teeth, ear, chin, heart, belly, toes (which she calls piggies), and hiney! She loves to get other people's piggies, and loves it even more if you don't let her get to them!!
Toys: Since it's warm outside now, she prefers to be outside. Her favorite toys out there are her swing and her horse and car that my mom found in her attic that Jayson and I used as kids. If we are inside, her favorite things to play with are balls, blocks, puzzles, and blankies and pillows! You are probably wondering why in the world an 18 month would love blankies and pillows, but she gets her stuffed animals, puts them on a pillow, and drags blankies over and covers them up! She will even lay down with them and cover up. She loves to snuggle with blankies!! She also loves to pretend to talk on the phone. She does it with everything....phones, blocks, spoons, and remotes, just to name a few! She will put it up to her ear and yell "ELLO"!! But, when we try to get her to actually talk to somebody on the phone, she just sits there and stays really still!! I'm sure one of these days a phone will be up to her ear constantly, so I sometimes wonder why we try to get her to talk on it already!!
My parents helped us take some pictures of Karsyn for her 18 month pictures, and they turned out awesome!! We were just in the yard playing and got some great shots of her and her personality! We took a ton of pictures, and it was hard to narrow them down, but here are a few of my favorites.....