Saturday, July 17, 2010

8 Months and Counting

So, I haven't been very good at keeping up with this for the last couple of months.  That just means that we have a lot to post about this time!!!  Karsyn is now 8 months and is creeping up on 9.  I just can't believe how fast her first year is going.  Mark and I were talking the other day about how we only have 4 more months of formula.  In one way, it will be a blessing, and in another, it will be sad.  I'm not ready to not be able to hold her while she eats.  I have become very attached to those parts of our day!!  She looks into my eyes, and she knows that I love her, and I know that she loves me right back!! 

Here Karsyn is on her 8 month birthday before going to daycare:

Here are a few things that have happened over the last couple of months:

1.  She cut her fourth tooth over the 4th of July weekend.  She also took her longest car ride that weekend so far.  She did really well, but was so exhausted when we got back.  She quit eating like normal, and was very cranky that first week, but that next weekend, she slept enough for all 3 of us!!  I was a bad parent and didn't take one single picture that weekend.  I was so mad when I realized that I hadn't.  She looked so cute in her 4th of July dress with her bow that Mendi made her!!!  I am so going to put her back in it and take a pic just so I have it.  She got to spend lots of time with Uncle Taylor and Aunt Stephanie.  They were fabulous hosts!!  Cousin Lori and Ben, and her 2nd cousins Zoe and Zane got to spend lots of time with her too!!  She loves them all!!  Zoe started calling her "Pampers", which was so cute!!  Karsyn also got to meet some of mom's old and dear friends, and had lots of fun sleeping in Bree's crib and Robert and Rina's floor!!  Miss Priss can't miss her sleep!! 

2.  Karsyn has started to feed herself snacks. 

3.  On July 7, 2010, Karsyn's 8 month birthday, she started crawling and sitting up on her own.  When we got home from work and daycare, I put her down for her usual evening nap.  My mom called me, so I got on the phone, and about 10 minutes later, decided to go in her room and check on her to make sure she was sleeping, and there she was....sitting up in her crib looking at me and smiling!!!  This was the first time she was able to get into a sitting position by herself!  So, I took her out of her crib and put her in the living room floor, and she finally started crawling!  For a long time, she would just rock back and forth, and then lay down on her belly and army crawl to wherever she wanted to go.  Nope, not this time, she was actually crawling!!  I was so proud of her!!  The very next night, I thought I would try to give her a sippy cup.  I just thought I would introduce her to it, and didn't think she would know what to do.  It took her about 10 minutes, and then there she was....drinking water out of her sippy cup!!!

 4.  Last weekend, we decided to get out of the house, and go to the park.  Karsyn had never been to the park, so we thought it was a perfect day to put her in a swing for the first time.  Of course, she loved it!!  We call her our roller-coaster baby cause she loves to be scared and her stomach to drop, so why wouldn't she love the swing, right?? 

5.  One of the bad things that has happened this last couple of months is that she got a diaper rash that was starting to look kinda bad.  So, I did what everybody had told me to do if this ever happened....I took all her clothes off and let her be free for a while.  This approach really did help, and after a couple hours of nakedness for a couple of days and lots of diaper cream, the rash was gone!!  Of course, I took this opportunity to take some naked baby pics, and they turned out quite cute!! 

And my favorite......

6.  Here are some of her stats and a few of her favorite things:

  • Weight - 17 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces

  • Diapers - Size 3

  • Formula - 6 ounces with 3 scoops of cereal (have to have the cereal for the spit-up problem)

  • Food - Veggies and Fruit.  The ONLY thing she does not like so far are peaches and bananas.

  • Clothes - Size 3-6 month in some and 6-9 month in most.

  • Toys - Seahorse rattle, and the Tweety rattle comes in a close 2nd.  She also loves her stuffed elephant with the rubber feet and hands that she can chew on.  For non-toys, she can't keep her hands off of any cord that is hanging down and cell phones and remotes. 

  • Talking - She is still only saying da-da, but working on other sounds.  Her favorite thing to do is click her tongue, and make smacking noises with her lips.

  • Sleeping - Still going to bed at 9:00 and sleeping until I have to wake her up at 6:30 during the week, and she will sleep in until 8:00 on the weekends.  She still takes 3 naps a day.  She will take a nap in the morning, afternoon, and evening.  Mommy and Daddy are so happy that she sleeps so well!! 

  • Spitting-up - Karsyn continues to spit-up, but she is slowly starting to grow out of it.  She definitely still has her bad days, but they are getting farther and farther apart.  She has probably 1 to 2 bad days a week, which is much better than it used to be.  We still have plenty of bibs and burp cloths on hand everywhere we go.  Good thing we did over the 4th of July weekend, just ask Robert and Rina about this!!!  Sorry guys!!!  LOL
Well, I think that about covers all the updates for now!!  I'm sure there will be plenty of new pics to post after next weekend because my parents are going to babysit for us so we can celebrate our 10 year anniversary, and you know they can't help themselves with their new camera!!! 

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sevyn Ezra Photography

One of my good friends from high school has embarked on a new career.  Inspired by her precious daughter, she has created Sevyn Ezra Photography!!  You can check it out at

Sevyn Ezra Photography is giving away a Free Photo Shoot, and the drawing will be July 20th, so get your entries in fast!!  You can visit the Sevyn Ezra Photography Facebook fan page or for all the details!! 

Mendi - you do awesome work and I hope this new adventure takes you far!!!  Love ya!