She is learning how to hold her own bottle, and as annoying as Mom thinks it is sometimes, I go ahead and let her so she can get her hand-eye coordination skills down better!!
Every morning when we go in to wake her up, we are in for a surprise. We never know what position she is going to be in. She is getting more and more mobile every day, and it just amazes me that not too long ago, she couldn't do any of these things.
We have learned that Karsyn prefers to be sitting up when she is awake if she isn't playing on her mat. So, the swing is getting used less and less, and even though she can't touch the ground yet, she LOVES to be in her walker!!
We took Karsyn to church this morning, and she did really good. For all those that are wondering, yes she projectile spit up during the service!! LOL!! Of course, she wouldn't have it any other way, but Super Dad was there to catch it so it didn't get on any of our good clothes!!
Nana (Mark's mom) made her bibs that matched her Easter dress, so we could be prepared for the worse, and we are VERY thankful that she did!!
In nothing but my ruffle-butt tights showing them legs off!!
Look what Aunt Jo and Aunt Rachel did for me for Easter....aren't my toes too cute!!!!
To end our fabulous Easter Sunday, Mommy and Daddy took Karsyn for a walk in her stroller for the first time!! It was a PERFECT day, and a success in Karsyn's eyes, or eyelids, since she fell asleep!!