Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Big Enough for Everyone!!

On November 8th, a day after Karsyn turned 2, we put her new "Big Girl Bed" together with her new bedding!  She never did try to climb out of her crib, but she was getting a little cramped in there and wasn't sleeping as soundly as she normally does.  She had been doing so well at Tyra's in a big bed, that we decided to skip the toddler bed, and go straight to her queen size bed!  She loves it, and sleeps so good in it!  She has room to turn every which way she wants!

We put rails on the side and the bottom just in case!  She tosses and turns all night!

So excited to try out her new bed!

It's big enough for everybody to sleep with her!  She has actually added a couple more "friends" since this picture!  She also sleeps with Goofy and a Glow Worm, and we have to kiss each one of them goodnight before she will go to sleep!!

I think it's a winner!!  She fell fast asleep and has slept in her new bed all night long since the very first night!

So sweet!
Karsyn is really proud of her big girl bed and runs to it every night!  We are so lucky that she adjusts to change so well! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Mickey Mouse Birthday

If you know Karsyn at all, you know that she is absolutely in love with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!!  She especially loves Mickey and Goofy (aka Goopy in Karsyn language)!  So, naturally, we would have a Mickey themed birthday party, even though she is a princess in our eyes!  Nana kept Karsyn all weekend while mommy and daddy went to the OSU/KSU game, then we had her party at Nana's house on Sunday, the 6th.  Karsyn's cake was made by a lady Mark works with, and then the finishing touches were put on by his mom!  I think they both did a fabulous job! 

Minnie smelling the flowers

Mickey surfing

Daddy lighting the candles

"Happy Birthday To You!"

Ok, I blew out the candles, now give me some icing!!!

This cake is yummy!

Don't get the fingers too dirty!

I sure do love my Uncle Wes!

Daddy and Uncle Wes helping me open presents!

Hurry!!  I wanna see what's in here! 

What is this funny looking package??

OH MY's a Mickey chair!!

Loving my new puppy and my chair!

Thank you everyone!!!

Karsyn had a GREAT time at her party!!  I'm sure she can't wait until next year!!  Thank you to our family and adopted family (yes, Terri and James...this is you!!) for helping us make her day super special!  We love you all!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Twick or Tweet"

Halloween this year was quite the experience!! After searching for a long time, we found the PERFECT costume for her.....she was our little Garden Gnome!!  Last year, Karsyn wasn't walking, much less able to say "Twick or Tweet", so this was our first "real" experience with a little one!  We had been practicing that little phrase for days, and it paid off!!  Ben and Lori let us tag along with them, and we had so much fun running all over town with the kids!  

Karsyn isn't quite sure what we are doing yet....can you see the concerned look on her face?!?!

 Here is where she got to use her favorite words of the night! 
Zoe and Zane did so good helping her walk up to the houses!

After the first couple of houses, it became chaos and we weren't able to take anymore picturs until we were completely finished!  She did so good, though!  She would go up to the houses and say "Twick or Tweet"!  She got so excited when the candy started piling up in her bucket!

She even got some silly bandz!! 


Showing Stephi all the candy she got!

It's been a few days since Halloween, and she still asks for candy right when she wakes up every morning!!  No, I don't give it to her at 6:30am, but that doesn't mean she doesn't try!!  I don't know how next year will better than this year, but I sure am ready to find out!  Karsyn LOVES this time of year!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

This year, we got together with some great friends to go to the Pumpkin Patch.  We all met that morning, and started what ended up being a great day together!  We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day.  It was sunny and believe it or not, no wind!!! 

Lane, Abby, Karsyn, and Bree

 Judy and Jena being silly!

Karsyn loving the slide!

Karsyn, Lane, and Abby

Mommy, Karsyn, and Daddy being scary!

Lane, Karsyn, and Abby

Karsyn LOVES pumpkins!
 Lane, Karsyn, and Bree riding in the wagon to go pick out their pumpkins!

Karsyn wants this one!!!

We had a blast making memories with Rodney, Jena, Abby, Zach, Rhonda, Lane, Judy, and Bree!  We hope Barry and Jaci will get to join us next year!!!